Senin, 09 April 2012


remember the @hellogaragesale i've told you few days ago? yes! last saturday, i and Karin went to that cool event! we went there at about 3 pm. but there was still quiet. just umm few people prepared for their own booth. then, me, Karin and Aidina take a look and went around the place :| we got tired -__- finally, i found a stuff! umm some like cardigan, but short in the sleeve. with a floral details! it's so sweet! i just forgot to take a picture about it -_- so i'm sorry i can't show you hehe. but, i bought one more stuff at the night. ya! we still there at 9pm! imagine! just waiting for some Anastasia Siantar and Cindy Biantoro's stuffs :D but we excited enough! finally, i got a crop shirt from MILCAH there!

 actually, this shirt is sold at IDR295. but they sell it just for IDR75!  who does believe? COOL! and i don't regret buying it :p

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Happy 16 to Me!

 Yay! I'm 16 now. Thank you Allah for give me all this happiness and luck. Thanks to my parents for all this grateful life. Thanks to all my friends for give me a beautiful friendship. Hopefully i'll get better on this age.
1. Of course get closer to Allah
2. Respect my parents, realize all their desire
 3. Be better mate for all my friends, have more friends
4. Graduate from 2nc grader with great score
5. I wish I could improve my ability to draw
6. I really wish I could lose weight!!!
xixixi. I think that's all. thanks for all the words that've been spoken to me :p
oya! these are the greatest birthday cake i've ever get
the first one is from Moniek and Fika. they gave it to me at night, and i don't expect that much. xixixi. okay, i know the shape of the cake was bad, isn't it? but their love have fixed it♥
and the second cake came from my beloved friends too, they're Anna, Dhea,  Fila,  and Pipit. they're too sweet! they gave it after school yesterday. thankyouverymuch!♥♥
okay, i think that's all about my 16th birthday. once again, THANK YOU♥

Senin, 02 April 2012

Floral Denim

remember my unposted outfit? haha. -__- yesterday, i made an outfit. same with that one. i'm on holiday now. the third grade have their 'latihan ujian' again. so, i get about 5 days free! and sadly, i don't know what to do -__- so i did this stuff -_-

you can help me to hype this outfit here. haha. here's just the other one
i love this one. don't know why. my friend, Anna likes the effect. ;)
i made a gif-image also :p
oya! 4 days left, there will emmm some like Garage Sale at Solo, called HelloGarageSale. check their twitter here. it sells many superb second stuffs from two fashion bloggers from Jakarta. the first one is Anastasia Siantar with her Brown Platform, and the second one is Cindy Biantoro with her Diamond Hurts. also supported by 8 online shops from Solo ;) so, i'll come there and find some cool stuffs :p Solo was rarely holding such cool event like this. so i won't let it go :p haha
sorry for my bad grammar ._.v

Another Time.

It's time to face the facts,
That I'm the one that's got away,
Lord knows that it would take
Another place, another time, another world, another life,
Thank God I found the good in goodbye,
I used to want you so bad,
I'm so through with that,
'Cause, honestly, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Beyonce - Best Thing I Never Had
honestly, i never watch the official mv. i knew this song just from Gamal's channel on youtube. and they sang it very fine.
so, i started to watch this video over and over again. because the lyrics describe my feelings now also. yes. i am moving on. i believe that God will brought us together again. in another place, another time. if we're destined so. now, i'm just about to prepared myself to meet that time. argh! okay. essence, i'm moving on. am i wrong?